
Congratulations, you should now have an instance of scrollnav on your page, but wait, why doesn’t it look like the examples?

To keep the library simple and avoid inheritence issues, scrollnav doesn’t come bundled with default styles. I’ve created a few demos to give you some general direction, but it’s completely up to you to make scrollnav work for your specific situation.

Markup structure

scrollnav follows BEM (Block, Element, Modifier) Methodology for providing class names to its markup. scroll-nav is the block, with __list, __item, and __link as elements. The structure looks like this.


For a good overview on BEM Methodology, read [MindBEMding - getting your head 'round BEM syntax](

Active highlighting

When a user scrolls the document, scrollnav watches for each section to pass the threshold of the active area. As that happens the --active modifier is added to the __item element (and subsequently removed from previously active item). Use this to change or udpate the look of the active items in the nav.

To view the location of the active area threshold within your document enable `debug` mode from scrollnav's list of [additional options](/